Attic 506 - independent downtown Chapel Hill art studios & exhibition & event space

The Carrack Modern Art *now closed - artist-centered, volunteer-run, zero-commission exhibition and event space in downtown Durham, NC

Charles Chace - maker of installations, collage, painting, music and exceptional things of all sorts

Chris Vitiello - fox poet, writing perfomer

CJ Suitt - poet & collaborator of the Dig In getherings & space and the very first Town of Chapel Hill Poet Laureate! @suittsyouwrite

Crowmeat Bob - supreme horn shaman & my bandmate in Reflex Arc!

Culture Mill - non-profit artist-led organization whose programs and methods adhere to the organic, intuitive, dynamic and radical spirit of artistic projects

Daniel Levin - fuckin remarkable cellist and improvisor, but just wait till you see him play Bach

Durham Independent Dance Artists *now inactive - an organization dedicated to connecting dance artists with audiences and dance audiences with artists

The Fruit - an art space and creative playground dedicated to making and experiencing visual and performing arts

Juan Huevos - beat maker &  rapper extraordinaire and has been a collaborator with GW longer than anyone else in NC y'all!

LITU - Leaving Impossible Things Unattended with co-creator/dj/designer/writer/geographer/trash taste maker Mike Dimpfl

Lump - takin' no shit gallery in Raleigh for the last 25, founded by Bill Thelen

Mike Geary - badass motherfucker painter & musician, you want everything he makes

Sanctuary Series - an intimate prformance place to research/witness/support vitality and exploration across disciplines

Soleil Konkel - captures the Carrboro scenes in her lens

SPECTRE Arts *now closed - former Durham force of art

Spira Pilates Studio  & BaseTV - run by the incomparable Sarah Honer, the best place to get to know yourself - pilates/gyrotonics/spirit/body/mind



Flatsitter - musician, video artist & virtual reality maker taking you to other realms, out of Buffalo, NY

Jane Jerardi - dance & video artist, out of Chicago, IL

mansurdance - dance & video artist, out of Winona, MN